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This document, which was developed in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine, describes the procedure and conditions for the provision of vaccination services provided by the medical center Private Enterprise «CLINIC MEDICOM», hereinafter referred to as «Executor», to natural persons, hereinafter referred to as «Patient». This document explains the procedure for providing, booking, and paying for vaccination services.


The executor is the PE «CLINICA MEDICOM». It is a medical center, which carries out its activities on the basis of the license of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, series AE No. 571644 dated November 27, 2014.

The customer is the patient who appealed to the Contractor, or (in cases provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine) his legal representative.

A legal representative is an individual (father, mother, adoptive parent, guardian) acting in the event that the patient is a juvenile (up to 14 years old), a minor (from 14 to 18 years old), or a person whose civil capacity is limited by a court decision.

The parties are the Customer (his legal representative) and the Contractor.

Acceptance is actions that demonstrate the Customer's agreement to comply with the provisions set forth on the Contractor's Website and this Contract. Such actions can be considered: registration of the Customer on the Executor’s Website, ordering services using the Executor's Website, ordering services by calling the Contractor's phone, starting actual use of services, paying for services, or other actions that indicate the Customer's agreement with these Terms.

The Executor's website is a web page on the Internet at https://medikom.ua/, which is the official source of informing Patients about the Executor and the services he provides.

Vaccination services hereinafter referred to as «Services» are a list of medical and other related services provided by the Executor in the order and under the conditions specified in this Contract and the Price List.

The price list is a list of medical services, approved by the Order of the General Director and published on the Executor's website, provided by PE «CLINIC MEDICOM» with an indication of their cost.


1.1. The executor reserves the right to amend this Contract unilaterally.

1.2. All changes to this Contract shall be approved by the Executor’s internal orders, which are published on the Executor's website and are effective from the moment of their publication on the Site.

1.3. The customer is considered to be informed of the changes made to the Contract since their publication on the performer's website. The changes made to the Contract apply to all patients and their legal representatives.

1.4. The customer must read the Terms of the Service Order Agreement. The order, payment, and continuation of the services or the order of new services testify to the actual agreement of the Customer.

1.5. Acceptance the Customer confirms his/her acquaintance with and agrees with the terms of the Agreement and Price List, and also gives his/her consent to collect and process his/her personal data in the order determined by the current legislation of Ukraine.

1.6. This document is prepared with the full understanding of the terms and conditions of the document by the Parties.


2.1. The cost of services provided by the Client’s executor is in accordance with the price list of the Executor at the time of payment by the Customer of the respective services.

2.2. Payment of services is made by the Customer by means of payment of the full cost of the respective service according to the Price List in the national currency of Ukraine to the bank account of the Executor by means of cash settlement in the cashier of the Executor or by means of online payments taking into account the rules of the payment system.

2.3. In the case of prior reservation of the vaccination service, the Customer shall pay the full cost of the service (100%) within a period not later than 3 days after acceptance and send the online payment confirmation to the Executor.

2.4. The duration of the service during the reservation of the vaccination service shall be determined by the provider taking into account the validity period of the vaccine. The executor informs the Customer about the validity of the service before payment.

Until the service is provided, the Executive takes responsibility for the vaccine storage according to the «Procedure for ensuring proper conditions for the storage, transportation, admission and accounting of vaccines, anatoxins and tuberculosis allergens in Ukraine» approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 595 of 16.09.2011.

2.5. If the Customer does not receive the service of vaccination in the specified time period, the Executive shall have the right to refuse the service and the reservation shall be considered canceled. At the same time the Customer has made a preliminary payment for the reservation of the service is not returned.

2.6. The customer cannot cancel or change the reservation after payment is made.


3.1. Vaccination service is provided by appointment only after consultation of the Customer by the Contractor's doctor on the same day.

3.2. In the case of several vaccinations in one day, the Customer pays the cost of all vaccines and one doctor's consultation.

3.3. In case of vaccination of any other persons, including members of the Customer's family, the cost of the Contractor's doctor's consultation and the cost of the vaccine shall be paid separately for each person.

3.4. Payment for the service provided by prior appointment is made on the day of service provision by depositing the full cost of the relevant service in accordance with the Price List in the national currency of Ukraine to the Contractor's bank account by cash settlement at the Contractor's cash desk or by online payments taking into account the rules of the payment system.


    4.1. All disputes or discrepancies arising during the period of validity of the Contract shall be resolved by the parties through negotiations to settle disputes in the pre-trial proceedings.

    4.2. In case of impossibility of resolving such disputes, and disagreements through negotiations, such disputes shall be settled in court in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.


    5.1. The Parties shall bear the responsibility provided for in the current legislation of Ukraine.

    5.2. The Parties shall not be liable for a breach of their obligations under the Contract if it has not occurred from their fault. The Party shall be presumed innocent if it proves that it has taken all measures, depending on it, to implement the terms of the Contract properly.

    5.3. The Executor shall not be liable for non-performance of obligations under this Agreement if it was caused by the circumstances of non-combat force (force majeure). Under the circumstances of the non-combat force understand Fire, earthquakes, other natural phenomena, natural disasters, military actions, Adoption of legislative acts, and other circumstances, independent of the executive, which make it impossible for the executive to fulfill its obligations in full and in due time in accordance with the Contract.


    6.1. The agreement may be terminated by the agreement of the parties.

    6.2. The agreement may be terminated unilaterally with obligatory compensation by the Parties actually incurred expenses in case of non-fulfillment of contractual obligations by one of the parties.


    7.1. In accordance with the Privacy Policy and Protection of Personal Data, which is approved by the order of the Executive, as well as on the basis of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine «the Act on Information», «the Act on Protection of Personal Data», «Fundamentals of the legislation of Ukraine on Health Protection». In order to prevent leakage and disclosure of confidential information, and medical secrets, the Executive shall not disclose, what became (may become) known to him during the execution of this Agreement.

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