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Clinic MEDIKOM was founded in 1992. We provide quality medical services for diagnostics, treatment and prevention of various diseases. Our knowledge, technologies and achievements allow us to be among the best medical companies in Ukraine. We proudly declare that the quality of our work corresponds to the level of advanced clinics in Europe and America.

Why should you choose us?


We are near you 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.

You can always be sure that MEDIKOM is ready to provide expert medical care at any time of the day. Emergency teams take a call immediately, and the therapeutics and surgery departments of the hospital are working for 24 hours a day.

медіком Оболонь

Поліклініка на Оболоні

пр-т. Володимира Івасюка, 6Д
Метро: Оболонь
Відділення для дорослих:
Пн-Сб : 8:00 – 20:00
Нд : 9:00 – 18:00

БІЛЬШЕ close close

медіком печерськ

Поліклініка на Печерську

вул. Василя Тютюнника, 37/1
Метро: Печерська, Палац "Україна"
Доросле та дитяче відділення:
Пн-Сб : 8:00 – 20:00
Нд : 9:00 – 18:00

БІЛЬШЕ close close

стаціонар медіком

Стаціонар на Оболоні

вул. Оболонська набережна, 9
Метро: Оболонь, Почайна
Стаціонар: цілодобово
Консультативний центр:
Пн-Нд : 9:00 – 16:00

БІЛЬШЕ close close

педіатрія медіком

Педіатрія на Оболоні

пр-т. Володимира Івасюка, 6-А к.1
Метро: Оболонь
Дитяче відділення:
Пн-Сб : 8:00 – 20:00
Нд : 9:00 – 18:00

БІЛЬШЕ close close


Closed circuit of medical care

MEDIKOM takes care of the health of patients from birth till an advanced age. Within the walls of our medical centers, we organized a system of treatment, prevention, diagnostics, which allows us to solve the health problems of the whole family.


Quality control

The work standard of MEDIKOM is a strict quality control of medical care at all stages. We constantly attract the best specialists of Ukraine, so that a diagnosing is accurate, and a treatment program is selected effectively even in the most difficult situations.


Traditions and standards.

30 years ago, MEDIKOM was established by two doctors - Ihor Vadymovych Skurikhin and Oleksandr Vadymovych Skurikhin. All these years, the basis of the ideology of development and management of the company has been high medical standards and professionalism. Each doctor undergoes a multi-stage selection. And this is only the beginning of a process. Then - continuous growth, training and professional development.

Гаврилов Григорій Олександрович
comment 32
Havrylov Hryhorii Oleksandrovych
Head of the surgery department, surgeon of the 1st category, plastic surgeon, proctologist
Піскун Ольга Валеріївна
comment 52
Piskun Olha Valeriivna
Leading specialist, obstetrics and gynecology doctor, gynecologist-surgeon
Рудковская Наталия Николаевна
comment 26
Rudkovska Natalia Mykolaivna
Head of the therapeutics department of the hospital, primary care physician, cardiologist

US Government’s Assessment.

The clinic MEDIKOM is the only private clinic in Ukraine that has been rigorously tested by the US Government and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for many years and has earned confidence to conduct medical examinations for obtaining immigration visas.

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